Foodie With A Life Podcast

Hosted by Christina Conrad

Prioritize your quality of life.

This podcast is about thoughtfully doing less so you can be more present and grounded. It’s about fueling your body to feel nurtured, taking care of yourself, tuning into mindfulness, eating real food, doing activities that give you energy, surrounding yourself with people who make you feel like the best version of yourself, and taking time to rest.

Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here.

Enlist Your Team

In this mini episode I talk about how to enlist your team to become part of the weekly cooking and planning practice so you're able to delegate and have better buy-in at the table. We'll also cover the dinner ritual - getting your family together to create a grounding space of connection.

Helping Kids Unwind With Kate Spielman

Kate Spielman, Lifestyle Family Photographer and yoga practitioner, shares how yoga influences her parenting. We discuss simple exercises anyone can do with their child to unwind and Kate shares the thing that surprised her most about becoming a mom.

Reprioritizing the To-Do List With Sarah Weeger of Hey Weegs

Hilarious, silly, and soul-touchingly honest, Hey Weegs cards say the thing no one knows how to say. Sarah Weeger joins the pod to get real about being a mom while running a successful business and thoughtfully reprioritizing the to-do list.

Annalee Nolting on Refreshing Your Home

Annalee shares low lift, high impact ideas to refresh your home and impart a sense or joy to living spaces.

Good Food and Life Transitions

Big life transitions, like bringing home a new baby or starting a new job, upend your routine. I'll talk through two of my most popular recipes, why they work during big transitions and how you can remix them with whatever is already in your pantry. Having healthy food prepared in the fridge means you'll eat better and nourish yourself when you really need it.